Make a Request: How to Obtain Information

Submit a written request with enough description and detail about the information requested to enable Sonora ISD to accurately identify and locate the information you are requesting.

The Public Information Request Form is not required, but is provided to assist the public in making a request. This form may be submitted by mail, fax, or in person.

Public Information Request Form  

Student Records Request Form (FERPA) Word  

In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, also known as FERPA, Sonora ISD is required to withhold from public disclosure personally identifiable information in education records.  By submitting this form, the student may consent to release his/her education records and/or other information to a third-party for a defined purpose

Request by fax:

The general public should request information by contacting the Administration Office of Sonora Independent School District.
Phone: (325) 387-6940
Fax: (325) 387-5090

Requests made by Mail or in Person:

Sonora Independenet School District
404 E. 1st Street  
Sonora, Texas 76950

Note: The School may require you to provide proper identification to ensure that you have a right of access to any confidential information requested.

Helpful Suggestions for Making a Public Information Request:

These are few tips to assist Sonora ISD in processing a request as accurately and efficiently as possible:

1. Your request must be in writing; only written requests trigger obligations under the Act.
2. Include your full name and contact information, including e-mail address (if available). It is helpful to clearly label your correspondence as a "Public Information Request".
3. Be specific and clear in describing the nature and scope of the information you are seeking.
4. Your request should be for information that is already in existence.
5. Governmental bodies are not required to answer questions, perform legal research, or comply with a continuing request to supply information on a periodic basis as such information is prepared in the future.
6. We recommend that all requests be addressed to the Sonora Independent School District.

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