Related Services


Special education related services are support services necessary to enable eligible students to profit from special education. These services may include:
Adaptive PE, Audiology, Physical Therapy, Counseling, Occupational Therapy, Transportation

Adapted Physical Education (APE)

Adapted Physical Education is a diversified program suited to the capabilities, needs, and interests of students with disabilities who may not safely or successfully engage in unrestricted physical education activities. Adapted Physical Education specialists identify students through an evaluation process that focuses on motor and perceptual motor patterns. The service model may include consultative services within general physical education to specialized physical education in small group settings with adapted physical education teachers.

Occupational Therapy (OT)

The Occupational Therapy team uses purposeful, goal directed activities to enable a student with a disability to benefit from special education services. Specifically, therapy is designed to assist in the development of skills that are prerequisites to academic learning within the educational setting. Depending on student needs, it may include improving gross and fine motor skills, coordination, adapting environments, organizing and using materials appropriately, and/or developing routines for dressing and feeding skills. Delivery of OT services in the educational setting is distinctly different from clinically based, medically necessitated treatment.

Eligibility for this support service is determined by formal assessment, requested by the ARD/IEP Committee or via the diagnostician as a part of the initial evaluation.

Physical Therapy (PT)

The Physical Therapist plans and implements programs that will help students meet their educational goals and objectives and benefit from special education services. The therapist is concerned with facilitating the child’s overall performance in the classroom, considering the student’s developmental level and physical disability. Services are provided to enhance independent functioning and may include positioning, strengthening, modifications and adaptations to the environment. Although medical concerns are significant, rehabilitation is not the focus of school based physical therapy.

Eligibility for this special education support service is determined by assessment requested by the ARD/IEP Committee or via the diagnostician as a part of the initial evaluation.

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